Severe weather and seasonal fires may influence various troops to relocate from time to time in search of food. Sustainability of their food source is the natural troop size moderator. An abundance of food will encourage breeding in larger troops or more troops may establish themselves in an area. Baboons are not known to be territorial, but do have a ‘home range’, which may overlap other troops’ home ranges occasionally. As troops become larger, there may be changes in the hierarchy and some males (dispersing males) may leave or be alienated from the main troop for periods of time, or they may establish their own troop.They enjoy swimming pools, (salt or chlorine), poolside loungers, children’s swings and slides and a favorite in Voelklip is swinging off gutters and sliding down downpipes, hanging off balconies and obviously their traditional dangling from overhanging tree branches. There is little fear of electric fences unless the voltage is unusually high. Alpha males or females may perch on a roof to monitor possible threats or command activities and direction to the troop. The pristine natural Fernkloof Nature Reserve includes magnificent cliffs to climb, rocky outcrops to perch on, caves to safely rest in away from […]
These events were a standard procedure prior to the introduction of the baboon monitoring program in November 2019. Baboons are naturally extremely agile and efficient at gaining access to homes. The smallest gap in a window or door, will attract interest, often with the slim junior members of the troop gaining entry through small opening first. This can cause consternation as the larger adults attempt to gain access as well, sometimes smashing windows, becoming very destructive in the process. Kitchenshold the main attraction with fruit, eggs, nuts, bread, cereals top of the list. Add to this, playfulness, tearing blankets, swinging on balustrades and curtains. Fridges and freezers are known targets too.Thankfully, now that residents are managing their refuse more responsibly and securing their refuse bins, and the monitors are managing to encourage the baboons away from suburbia, home invasions happen far less frequently than was previously experienced.
Why are baboons habituated to suburbia On refuse collection days the baboon troops are prone to plunder through the area often quicker than the collection crew. Abandoned refuse bags are easy pickings for baboons. Being naturally opportunistic, highly adaptable primates, they learn quickly. Before the re-introduction of the baboon monitors, the Voelklip troop had evolved into an aggressive, impatient troop, addicted to the sugary rewards of filthy refuse bags and household groceries. Lazy holiday makers and weekenders dumped refuse bags on pavements as they left Hermanus, and some residents were not securing their bins with baboon proof devices, a bad combination. Half a loaf of bread is equivalent to a full day foraging in their natural environment. Foraging human refuse and stealing from homes became learnt behavior for at least 5 new generations of the troop post 2013. Fortunately this pattern will change for the baboons as they re-habituate to their natural and abundant environment in the Fernkloof Nature Reserve .
Background and current status: The Voelklip troop hails from the pristine, abundant conservation area of Fernkloof Nature Reserve where these primates have been foraging naturally on the endemics and indigenous bounty for centuries. Sadly, they became habituated to suburbia and human derived foods, after the baboon monitoring program was withdrawn in April 2013. The original program, employing EPWP workers from the community, ran successfully for years. They became familiar with the hierarchy of the particular troop and were trained to coerce the baboons away from suburbia, safely back to the Fernkloof Nature Reserve. The program was stopped by the Municipality in April 2013, ‘due to unavailability of finances’. The troop became dependent on the sugars and high starch foods easily accessible from unsecured refuse bins and home kitchens. As a consequence their behavior changed over 6 years and unlike most wild troops, the Voelklip troop displayed aggression towards humans and domestic pets which may be threatening or obstructing their access to human derived food or households. The concept of a CONSISTENT baboon monitoring program is highly favored by the majority of residents and conservationists in Hermanus’ most affected areas. In 2017, funds were collected to install beacons at various points in […]
These other Hermanus troops are not known to be aggressive and are not as adapted to human interaction, although they will still enjoy a refuse bag or human food if available. The “Vogelgat Troop” inhabit the private Vogelgat Reserve to the East of Voelklip and move around in the vicinity, and sometimes onto the R43. “The Hamilton Russel Troop”, is seen regularly above the wine estate and towards the West of Hermanus. There is also believed to be a smaller ‘shy and elusive’ (wild and unhabituated) “Fernkloof Troop” living deep within the Fernkloof Nature Reserve. There may be other troops developing in the Hermanus area.
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