
Severe weather and seasonal fires may influence various troops to relocate from time to time in search of food. Sustainability of their food source is the natural troop size moderator. An abundance of food will encourage breeding in larger troops or more troops may establish themselves in an area. Baboons are not known to be territorial, but do have a ‘home range’, which may overlap other troops’ home ranges occasionally.

As troops become larger, there may be changes in the hierarchy and some males (dispersing males) may leave or be alienated from the main troop for periods of time, or they may establish their own troop.
They enjoy swimming pools, (salt or chlorine), poolside loungers, children’s swings and slides and a favorite in Voelklip is swinging off gutters and sliding down downpipes, hanging off balconies and obviously their traditional dangling from overhanging tree branches.

There is little fear of electric fences unless the voltage is unusually high. Alpha males or females may perch on a roof to monitor possible threats or command activities and direction to the troop. The pristine natural Fernkloof Nature Reserve includes magnificent cliffs to climb, rocky outcrops to perch on, caves to safely rest in away from predators, wonderful waterfalls, natural pools of fresh water, shady forest areas, grassy slopes, sunny sandpits, and an abundance of bulbs, seeds, pods, juicy roots to munch on and forage all day. This area is generally unaffected by human refuse and human derived foods and there is minimal human interaction. This is their rightful place to exist, the safest most natural option to ensure the preservation of the species.